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Making Connections: Hips & Shoulders, Knees & Toes
Making Connections: Hips & Shoulders, Knees & Toes
Let's get started!
What you'll need
Movement vs Exercise: What's the difference?
How are they different? (Lecture video 3:55) (3:51)
The webinar!
This is a place to start, too
It's all connected... but how??
What's the connection?
Why do we need to address those connections?
How do we make those connections?
What gets in the way of those connections?
Anatomy for Anyone
The movement part (Lecture video 3:31) (3:31)
The muscles part (Lecture video 5:57) (5:57)
What's the WHY?
How to zero in on what's important! (Lecture video 5:40) (5:44)
Let's SEE how it's all connected!
Arts & Crafts to measure hip & leg alignment
Knee Pits (Assessment video 4 min) (3:58)
80 Minute Masterclass
Making Connections: the Masterclass (Movement video 80 minutes) (80:56)
Focus on Feet 20 minutes
Footwork (23 min) (23:08)
Hit Your Hips!
Hit your (outer) hips! (Movement video 20 min) (20:45)
Interesting Inner Thighs (Movement Video 16 Min) (16:50)
It's All Connected: Feet, Hips & Shoulders
It's all connected - Summary of Exercises (Movement video 32 minutes) (31:36)
Just shoulders exercise! (11:22) (11:22)
Floor Sitting
Floor sitting (Movement video 2:55) (2:10)
Another floor sitting game (Movement video 2:55)
Get Up, Get Down! (Movement video 13:21)
If you can't get to the floor easily yet (Video with no audio 45 sec) (0:45)
Regular Shoes vs. Minimal Shoes
What are minimal shoes and why do they matter? (3:55)
Useful Links
Youtube videos
Thanks and let's keep in touch!
How do we make those connections?
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